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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving For Beginners

The sea is a fantastic part of the earth that has caught the attention of people throughout history. People want to explore its grandiose, and enigma although it's dangerous. You may be mesmerized by all its immensity, which is why you desire to learn scuba diving.

There are different reasons why eople engage in scuba diving. Some of these reasons are to overcome fears while others are interested in wildlife.

Travelers and outdoor sports enthusiasts engage in scuba diving activities with the help of a breathing apparatus that has compressed air to help them move freely, reach larger depths, and stay underwater for a more extended period.

Continue reading the article for in-depth information on how you can experience marine life as a scuba diver.


                                                                                                                                               Estimated reading time: 14 min


Table of contents

Jumping off a Boat

1. Brief History of Scuba Diving

People began practicing breathing underwater as early as 500BC when Greek soldiers were reported to be diving off a ship and used a hollow reed to breathe while still underwater for hours.

Alexander the Great was reported by philosopher Aristotle to have discovered a different way of hiding under the water when the Tyre had sieged the area. True to his words, Alexander stayed underwater using a barrel that served as his diving bell.

 People began exploring how to breathe underwater in the 1700s, and many attempted to create "rebreathing devices" Their attempt didn't succeed until the 1940s when Engineer Emilie Gagnan and Jacques Cousteau made a breathing device. 

The development gave birth to recreational diving, one of the most popular activities in the 21st century.

Additionally, the sport received a significant boost when Ralph Erickson and John Cronin teamed up to form the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) in 1966. The professional organization supports anyone aspiring to become a skilled and confident diver.

Scuba Mask

2. Essential Scuba Diving Equipment

The popular ocean activity is ideal for nature lovers that want to explore the ocean beauty hidden by the water.

Scuba diving requires enough preparation before entering the ocean. Training helps you to engage in a safe, enjoyable foray in the ocean's depths. Therefore, you need knowledge, physical skill, and technical training for you to undertake a successful dive.

Besides training, you need to arm yourself with appropriate scuba diving equipment. The following is a comprehensive dive packing list.

a. Diving Mask

Your eyes are not designed to work underwater since most of the large water bodies have salty water. For that reason, you need to purchase a diving mask to help you see the breathtaking surroundings.

A high quality, comfortable mask will give you a fun time in the ocean. You can rent the diving mask, although acquiring your mask is a better option because many people use the rented mask. Further, mask users apply old saliva to treat it and prevent fogging up.

Therefore, acquire your own well-fitting mask that meets your needs, thus avoiding putting on your face something with saliva.

b. Fins

The set is an essential component of scuba diver’s gear, for they give a diver control over their movement and propel yourself through the water with agility and speed. You can either purchase a full foot or open heel fins, and these options are further split into blade fins or split fins whichever the type you buy should be both efficient and comfortable.

c. Wetsuit or Drysuit

The outfit is essential despite its weight, for it protects the diver's skin from the effects of water and keeps you warm. Wetsuit or drysuit is made of neoprene rubber; one meant for scuba divers is thicker to allow the fabric to retain body heat, thus keeping you in water longer.

More so, it has thermal properties, unlike other garments that help you to remain comfortable even when diving in colder temperatures or levels where the warmth of the sun doesn't reach.

d. Diving Gloves

Scuba gloves are made in a way that they can withstand abrasion from the caves or tricky diving environments. They protect your skin from abrasion and prevent punctures.

Like a wetsuit, gloves trap water between the fabric and your skin, thus slowing heat loss and keeping your hands warm while underwater.

e. Scuba Tank

The diving cylinder is a breathing apparatus that stores large volumes of Nitrox, a specialized gas mixture, or simple compressed air.

The tank is made of aluminum or steel and has a maximum pressure rating of about 2000-3500 psi. You can rent or buy your scuba tank if you intend to engage in diving regularly.

f. Tank Bangers

These are elastic bands that are made of hard materials and tied around the cylinder. They make noise when snapped against the tank, thus alerting your partner when you have an emergency or when you notice an underground creature.

In other words, they are underwater communication enhancers and should be carried by all divers.

g. Regulator

The regulator converts the pressured air in the tank into ambient pressure, thus supporting you while underwater. The first stage connects to the diving cylinder on your back. The second stage of the regulator is the part you put in the mouth. The regulator also has backup gauges and the second stage.

You should choose a regulator that offers you the highest level of performance and comfort for your needs.

h. Dive Computer

The device measures the duration you have been in the water, your current depth, and for how long you can maintain that depth. You use a dive computer together with submersible pressure, gauge, depth gauge and compass to ensure smooth and safe dive.  It's economical to purchase your dive computer than to rent every time you want to dive.

i. Submersible Pressure Gauge, Depth Gauge, and Compass

- Submersible pressure gauge (SPG) is the part that displays the quantity of gas remaining in the cylinder, helping you to monitor and determine whether your gas supply is enough when diving.

- A depth gauge measures your current and maximum depth that you have covered underwater.

- It's essential to carry a compass when diving for it helps you to understand where you're and how to navigate when there is low visibility. Another benefit of having a compass is that it keeps you on the right track and prevents you from panicking when you get lost, for this can cause you to use more air than necessary.

These devices are available in analog and digital forms, as well as a 3-gauge console that has all the three items together.

j. Snorkel

A less experienced diver should carry a snorkel for it's a safety gear that supports you when you don't want to use the air in the tank.

k. Buoyancy Control Devices

The buoyance compensator protects you from sinking to the bottom or floating to the top of the water surface. This is a jacket or a vest that is worn when diving to help you control buoyancy.

You are supposed to add air to the buoyance compensator's internal balder when you want to rise or release some amount when you want to sink deeper into the water.

Another function of this garment is to secure your essential diving equipment in its pockets and straps.

l. Underwater Camera

It's optional equipment because it doesn't influence the success of your dive. However, it helps you to capture incredible experiences and scenes. GoPro cameras allow you to shoot clear images and videos. It has waterproof cases and housings, enabling the cameras to function well even deeper into the sea.

m. First Aid Kit

It's a smart thing to carry when engaging in this adventurous activity due to medical emergencies that can arise at any time. The kit should have wound care items, pain, and allergies medication in addition to survival items such as an emergency reflective blanket.

n. Dive Lights

Underwater lights provide critical light in the dark marine environments during cave dives, night dives, and to observe color when diving during the day.

Other diving equipments are writing slates, dive logbook, dive knives and defogger among others.

Scuba Diving Course

3. Types of Scuba Diving

Scuba divers were born out of the envy for fish, as well as their ability to explore the endless beauty of the world beneath the surface.

In recent years this activity had gained popularity, and as a result, there are now many different types of scuba diving. Saltwater and freshwater diving are the two categories of scuba diving. Each type has its concerns, unique properties and offers different experiences and life forms. The following are some scuba diving options you can explore.

a. Night Diving

It’s a guided type of diving where people plunge deep into the underwater world at night and explores it with the help of a bright underwater flashlight. These divers want to showcase nocturnal marine life that is attracted to a light source or live in dark waters. Therefore night divers enjoy seeing stealthy hunters like octopuses, sharks, bizarre alien larvae and ghostly glowing plankton.

b. Drift Diving

Divers use natural currents such as ocean currents, the tide, or natural course of a river around them to move quickly without using much energy. This type of diving is only recommended to highly experienced individuals that can relate its sensation to flying. Divers use this option when they don't want to repeat the same path twice; thus, they start and finish at different points. 

Further, they use it to keep up with marine life, see more formations and habitats. Drift divers don’t interact with smaller creatures for its suited for landscape and big fish dives.

c. Deep Diving

Divers can explore a shipwreck or other features when they go beyond 18 meters. They can also dive to see marine life that lives in such depths. Due to this depth, deep diving requires a lot of planning because the deeper one goes, the higher the dangers.

d. Wreck Diving

Shipwreck happens now and then, and it's the dream of many to explore it. Therefore, many divers sharpen their skills with a view of engaging in this addictive activity and any body of water. These divers help observers to get closer to tragic maritime history and heritage.

Divers don't touch the wreck for they are artifacts, and most countries have banned removing souvenirs and treasures hunting. Any person engaging in it is punishable by jail sentences or hefty fines.

e. Cave Diving and cavern diving

People learn scuba diving with a view of exploring water passageways via submerged caves. The world has several cave diving destinations that you can explore when you gain experience. Cavern divers can see natural light during their dive, but cave divers penetrate the caves system; thus, they depend on their artificial light.

Cave diving is classified as a specialist technical dive while cavern diving can be carried out by recreational divers. Thus, cavern divers benefit from natural light since they don't go beyond the cavern zone. They can also exit the cavern quickly when there is an emergency. On the other hand, cave divers may experience challenges exiting a cave because the exit can be several meters away from the entrance. Therefore, these divers are given extra safety training to help them navigate safely in case of emergencies.

f. Technical diving

It’s a category of diving that exceed recreational scuba diving requirements of the set depth limits and immersion time. Technical scuba divers don’t use compressed air but special gas mixtures. They engage in deep diving of around 40m (130 feet) or overhead environment without access to natural or surface light. These are caves and shipwrecks interior in salt and freshwater.

g. Open Water Diving

It's a popular kind of diving for the certified recreational diver. Open water certification is the first level of certification divers get when they go into the open water, an outside controlled environment like swimming pools.

h. Ice Diving

It’s the discovery of marine life underneath a sheet of ice. An ice and technical divers drill a hole using a chainsaw while attached to a harness. Further, their regulator should be able to function below zero degrees without freezing up. They have to wear a warm thick wetsuit or drysuit that has passed through hot water first. Other things that they should wear are special dry gloves, diving hoods, and boots.

They use a single entry and exit point; thus, this form of diving requires specialized training and equipment. Ice divers enjoy watching magnificent creatures like gelatinous zooplankton as well as the beautiful ice ceiling structure above them. For instance, the light disperses is different when the surface is frozen, and the water's color is also different. Based on the location, the type of marine life you're likely to see is also different from what a recreational diver knows.

This type of diving is risky because a diver can get lost under the ice, and there is a higher likelihood of equipment failure due to low temperatures.

i. Rescue Diving

These are divers that respond to emergencies. They are highly trained in first aid techniques and specialized rescue. Therefore, these divers accompany inexperienced divers and trained in standard first aid, aquatic rescue, and surface rescue. One has to have good physical strength before getting certified as a rescue diver.

Scuba Training in Swimming Pool

4. Learning and Planning for Scuba Diving Adventure

Scuba diving allows you to float weightlessly, explore unusual species, or search for lost objects. It's a relatively easy activity that needs a short period of training. Scuba diving allows you to explore 70% of the globe after you learn how to breathe underwater. The following are the steps towards getting started as a scuba diver.

Physical Prerequisites of a Scuba Diver: Technology has advanced the equipment used in diving as well as its training. Thus, people of all sizes and ages can learn to dive as long as they are comfortable in the water. Nonetheless, anyone planning to engage in scuba diving must pass the health and age prerequisites for diving.

Scuba Diving Course: Diving has some inherent risks, just like any other sport. However, beginners are trained on how to use and check their gear effectively. Scuba diving centers teach people who are curious about diving using pools or try dives, and the individual can continue with an open water course until they get the certification.

Acquire Diving Gear: This sport is an equipment-dependent activity; thus, a participant requires a complete set of adequately fitting scuba gear before the start of this journey. Still, a person can rent well-maintained equipment while undertaking the training. You can purchase a complete or partial gear after the course. Though, it would be advisable to own personal items like fins, wetsuits, and masks.

Owning a complete dive gear is advantageous because you're sure of its function, fit, and maintenance. Therefore, you're more confident and comfortable underwater when you have your gear than those who rent.

Essential Dive Theory: You can be affected in a way you don't expect by the underwater environment. Thus, it’s vital to understand first how your body and gears are affected when you descend into the water. The instructor covers areas such as;

Buoyancy basics for diving

  • Pressure and diving

  • Safety stops

  • Nitrogen absorption

  • Ear equalization basics

  • No-decompression limits

Practice session with instructor: The trainer will allow you to take the first breaths underwater after reviewing the dive theory and obtaining scuba gear. The activities are just an introduction to diving, but that doesn't mean that you're ready to dive in the open water yet.

You need to master skills like clearing water from your breathing apparatus such as regulator and mask, problem management, underwater communication, and what to expect when you take your first scuba dive.


5. How Long Should The Scuba Dive Tank Last?

One of the most frequently asked questions in scuba diving is how long the air in the tank will last because it determines how long a diver will last underwater.

There is no exact answer because "it depends" on certain factors, as shown below.


a. Tank Volume

The standard tanks for recreational divers is aluminum 80, which contains 80 cubic feet of air compressed to 3000 pounds psi.

Scuba diving tanks are available in different materials, sizes and are used in varied ways. For instance, deep divers use tanks with a higher internal volume. On the other hand, petite divers use smaller tanks, for they need little air for comfort.

Therefore, a tank will last based on the volume of air it holds, and this determines how long a diver will stay underwater.


b. The Depth

The pressure increases as the diver descend; however, this doesn't affect the air in the tank because it’s compressed, and the container is made of a rigid material. 

However, pressure affects the air exiting the tank and entering the regulator and second stage. Thus, a diver will consume twice the volume air they use when on the surface. Therefore, a diver will use more air when they go deeper underwater; so, the tank will not last long.

c. Air Consumption Rate

The rate at which the diver consumes the air affects how long the tank will last. Tall people have a large lung volume, thus more air than short or petite persons.

Other factors that affect air consumption are level of experience, stress, amount of exertion, and buoyancy control.

A diver can reduce the amount of air they consume by implementing slow, deep, and relaxed breathing.

Divers with Flashlight

6. How deep can a Diver Go?

The industry has set the recreational divers’ depth limit at 39 m (130 feet) at sea level.  Students seeking basic scuba certification should experience 9-18 m (30-60 feet) and 18m (60 feet) for deep dive.

Divers can begin to interact with marine life as shallow as 18 m (60 feet). This might surprise you, considering that you may be expecting the marine species to live several miles underwater.

Further, the depth may be influenced by your points of interest at each dive site. For instance, you may need to plunge up to 6m (20 feet) in a river, 27 m (90 feet) on a wreck, or 33 m (110 feet) along the coral-covered wall.

Shallow diving has numerous advantages, such as your tank will last longer. When you go deeper, the water pressure intensifies, thus affecting the scuba regulator, which supplies air based on the surrounding pressure.

Therefore, you will use four times more air when diving at 30 m (100 feet) than when at the surface. It takes a diver an hour to deplete air when diving at the surface, which is equivalent to only 15 minutes when at the 30 m dive. 

The second advantage of shallow diving is that it prevents the body from accumulating more nitrogen for the period he will be diving. Less accumulation of nitrogen allows you to stay longer in the water without the need for a mandatory decompression stop.

Recreational divers consume filtered air compressed. When a diver plunges deeper, they take in more nitrogen as a result of increased pressure, yet this air is not metabolized. This contributes to bends or decompression sickness, which happens when the absorbed nitrogen is removed faster than it's forming bubbles in the tissues.

More so, a diver absorbs nitrogen four times more at 30 m dive as compared to the surface. Therefore shallow diving has more advantages as compared to deep dive.


7. Age Limits for Diving

As a beginner, you might be wondering whether age can cut short your desire to become a diver. The good news is that it's a nondiscriminatory activity. You can dive as long as you have the emotional maturity to understand all rules governing scuba diving, and your physical ability allows you to handle the equipment. 

More so, you should be mature enough to care for your safety and that of your buddy since you shouldn't dive alone.

a. Upper Age Limit

There is no upper age limit for a scuba diver. Still, you need to have a standard medical questionnaire filled by a medical practitioner, preferably a specialist in pressure-related medicine or hyperbaric.

The reason behind this requirement is that certain health conditions can hinder you either temporally or permanently from participating in scuba diving. These include health conditions that interfere with the lung functions or those that prevent you from performing effectively underwater. Indeed, there are divers in their 70s and 80s.

b. Minimum Age Restrictions

While there is no upper age limit, there is a restriction on children training as scuba divers. The requirement was reviewed by some scuba certification agencies recently when non-certification programs were introduced.

This training target enthusiastic children as young as eight years old and interested in learning scuba diving. However, the kids have to train under strict supervision and shouldn't go beyond 2m (6 feet).

The acceptable age limit for junior divers is 10-12 years old, and this is also based on the agency. They still have to dive under supervision by a certified adult diver or scuba professional in addition to stick to only limited depths

Students aged 15-16 years old are grouped in the same category as adults; thus, they can receive similar certification.

Parents should guide this process since they are the only ones that understand whether their children are emotionally and physically mature and ready to shoulder the scuba diving responsibility.

People living with a disability are allowed to participate as long as specially trained buddies accompany them.

Divers Preparing for Dive

8. The Differences between Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

The two options are exciting ways of exploring the undersea world. The following are the main differences.

a. Water Depth

Snorkeling is a form of swimming that is done at the surface of the water, with the help of a mask, a snorkel, or a breathing tube. Thus, snorkelers don’t dive deep underwater but savor the underwater geography from the surface.


Scuba divers plunge deeper with the help of breathing apparatus. These divers are completely immersed underwater, where they interact with the marine universe. They maneuver through the water to explore marine life and coral reefs. 


b. Level of Experience

The two sports have a different experience requirement. Snorkeling takes a minute to learn, nor does it require any prior experience. However, you should know how to swim and feel comfortable in the water. Some snorkeling enthusiasts state that you can participate in it with a swim belt or life vest and no swimming skills. However, safety is key, and the number one priority.

Scuba divers, on the other hand, require excellent health, training, and certification. Therefore, you can begin discovering underwater wonders by first learning snorkeling then advance to scuba dive. You can make snorkeling a family hobby because it’s an excellent activity for your beach vacation, is not expensive, and doesn't require any certification.

c. Purpose

Snorkeling is done for recreational purposes such as observing coral reefs, fish, and algae. It’s done in a water body with warm waters with minimal waves. Therefore, a snorkeler sees exciting things while at the water surface.

Scuba diving is also done for recreational purposes such as wreck diving, cave diving, and ice diving.


d. Underwater Duration

The diver can stay longer in water because he doesn’t need to hold his breath. More so, divers use breathing apparatus to stay longer in water.

Snorkelers have to hold on their breath as they swim underwater; thus they don't go deeper but have to operate at the surface.

e. Effect on Health

Divers breathe compressed air, and this can cause nitrogen narcosis, decomposition sickness, and oxygen toxicity.

Snorkeling has fewer dangers, and one of them is not being spotted by the crafts and jet skis. They also undergo hyperventilation, dehydration, and get into contact with poisonous coral. Snorkelers experience sunburns due to prolonged hours at the top of the water.

Divers Training in Pool

9. Risks of Scuba Diving

Oxygen Toxicity: It's a problem experienced by deep divers that go beyond 135 feet. The problem arises when the body absorbs more oxygen due to increased underwater pressure in extreme depths. Oxygen is a life-giving gas; however, it can become toxic when consumed in large amounts. This leads to twitching, nausea, tunnel vision, loss of consciousness, as well as seizures.

Drowning: A diver can drown if they become unconscious or panic as a result of malfunctioning equipment. For instance, a regulator may fail to work correctly and may cause a diver to panic. Therefore, instructors should train scuba divers on how to handle a panic emergency effectively. Further, they should dive only within their limits and make use of the buddy system.

Decompression Sickness is also known as the bends and is caused by the excess nitrogen absorbed by the body due to increased underwater pressure. However, a rapid reduction of pressure leads to the formation of harmful bubbles. Therefore, a diver should ascend to the surface in carefully monitored stages to allow a controlled release of the absorbed nitrogen. Some of the symptoms of decomposition sickness are aching joints, skin rash, paralysis, and even death.

Pulmonary Embolism: You may experience pulmonary embolism when you quickly ascend to the surface. The underwater environment has increased pressure that causes the air you're breathing to become denser. The effect is the cramming of gas due to high pressure. Therefore, the air in the lungs will expand at the same rate the body's pressure is reduced, so the lungs may swell like a balloon when you ascend rapidly. A diver can avoid pulmonary embolism by employing slow, controlled ascents as well as not holding their breath.

Nitrogen Narcosis: It’s caused by having extra nitrogen in the body. The narcotic effect is dangerous, for it impairs sensory perception and judgment. More so, the level of nitrogen narcosis is influenced by the depth and the amount of nitrogen absorbed.

Marine Life: Diving is the same as invading an untamed wilderness occupied by aggressive sea creatures. Most of these sea creatures are not violent, and rarely do they attack divers; however, the unforeseen can happen. For instance, in 2006, Steve Irwin, a famous TV wildlife host, was killed by stingray, which is considered a usually harmless sea creature, and that is frequently encountered by divers.

Therefore, it's good to be careful and not touch any underwater animal, including coral. This protects both the diver and sea life.

Malfunctioning Equipment: As stated above, it’s vital to have your gear because you're sure of their function and maintenance. On the other hand, casual divers prefer to rent all the equipment, which exposes them to potential hazards like a bad regulator that lead to drowning or a broken depth gauge that can cause mild decompression sickness. Therefore, if you can't afford to buy all diving gear, then you shouldn't be shy to ask for a new piece whenever you feel uncomfortable with what you're provided with.

Scuba Diver

10. Scuba Diving Tips for Beginners

As a beginner, you might be intimidated by breathing underwater because you're a land creature. However, the intense safety training and equipment regulation make this sport safe for individuals of all ages, sizes, and abilities.

The following tips will help you now that you want to plunge underwater.

a. Practice until you feel secure in water before diving. Therefore spend hours in water, swim, and snorkel until you relax and feel more confident then embark on scuba diving.

b. Find a highly reputable dive center and experienced instructors. You will realize that the course price varies considerably based on the country. However, expensive centers don't always translate to quality training. You should, therefore, check out their reviews.

c. Get certified. Although you can get the open water diver and advanced diver certification concurrently, it’s advisable to get the first certification then practice until you gain some experience then go for the advanced certification. 

d. Examine the condition of the dive equipment before plunging underwater. Look out for faulty equipment signs such as air leaks, broken buckles, jumping needle when you breathe out.

e. Always take care of your buddy when diving, for they will also care for you. In other words, don't dive alone. But go in small groups for security reasons.


f. Drink a lot of water before and after diving because the body tends to lose a significant amount of water when you dive.

g. Rule number one of scuba diving is that you should never hold your breath. You need to realize that this won't come naturally, particularly if you have been snorkeling a lot. However, practice breathing slowly without holding your breath.


h. Avoid panicking when underwater because its the number one cause of many accidents. When you panic, you are not able to make the right decisions, but, instead, you should relax, breathe, close your eyes, and think. Always remember what you learnt during the training and resolve the problem.

i. Breath slowly when underwater for it will help you to relax, save air, and control your buoyancy. There are different tricks that your instructor will train you on how to breathe slowly and continuously to make you dive longer.

j. Keep a calm rhythm when diving, for it saves energy and air and allows you to enjoy the environment.

k. Never ascend faster than your bubbles form. It's one of the risks that was discussed above.

l. Don’t drink alcohol a day before diving because it dehydrates the body while the hangovers will make your boat trip an unpleasant experience.

m. Don't pick shells, coral, or other organisms from the precious ecosystem; however, you can pick up the trash.

n. The water has several wildlife; some are poisonous, and you keep distance while others will keep their distance when they see you. Another rule to adhere to is to look but don't touch these animals or plants, for they can harm you, or the diver can hurt them.

o. Always update your dive logbook, for it will help you see the progress. Therefore, write the dive site, time, and air consumption, among others.

Underwater Photography

11. The best Time for Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is an outdoor activity that is affected by weather just like any other sport such as kayaking, sailing, and boat racing. Therefore, there is a direct relationship between diving, weather, and climate.

Heavy Windy Weather: It's not the best weather to dive because the surface of the ocean is rough, thus making it difficult for the boats to navigate and find moorings. Wind generates current and causes choppy water. Rain causes poor visibility for water runoff brings silt into the ocean, and also, the sun is obscured. 

Calm and Sunny Weather: The weather makes the entire dive trip comfortable because the sea can make you sick. The wind moves water, thus creating current and waves as it progresses. Wind also builds during the afternoon and slows at nightfall. Therefore, you should go underwater when it's sunny to enjoy excellent visibility and current.

Most divers say that surface weather is not essential when underwater; however, these conditions can affect your entire underwater experience.

Deep dives, ocean dives, and dive cruises rely on the weather; thus, you should plan around weather forecast for temperature, rain, winds, and tides. The underwater visibilities are greatly affected by heavy showers, thunderstorms, local storms, and cold temperatures. These conditions generally give tourists a poor experience on their trip.

The site to dive is affected by ocean temperatures, the strength and directions of the currents, and the best time to meet specific marine species.

  • High current dive sites are ideal for manta rays, giant pelagic, and whale-sharks.

  • The sheltered environment is ideal for wreck diving, for there are no strong winds, heavy and surge currents.

  • Rough weather is ideal for thrill-seeking professionals but not inexperienced divers with lesser buoyancy skills.

Therefore, you can embark on diving at any time of the year as long as you understand how to stay safe underwater and can maintain buoyancy.

Wreck in the Sea

12. Best Places for Scuba Diving in the World

Scuba diving is a perfect activity for adventurous backpacking trips, romantic getaways, and family holidays. The activity helps you explore the world's mysterious depths, discover exotic fish and amazing wrecks, observe coral reefs, and plant life, among others.

The following are some of the world’s best places to go diving.

1. The Blue Hole, Belize

It’s one of the world’s popular dive sites due to its massive marine sinkhole. Jacques Cousteau declared it the best diving site after exploring different places in the world. The hole is 125m deep and 300m in diameter.  You're able to clearly see reef sharks, hammerheads, and bull sharks because the water at this site is crystal clear.

2. Red Sea, Egypt

The Red Sea has clear turquoise waters and with reefs that are full of life. The sea has a consistent water temperature, thus making it a paradise for divers. Some of the excellent diving places in the Red Sea are the wreck of Ras Mohammed, Thistlegorm, Sharm El Sheikh, and Sha'ab Abu Nuhas.

You can explore the Thistlegorm or Blue Thistle, where a British vessel sunk after an air attack in 1941. The ship was carrying vast war supplies such as motorbikes, rifles, trucks, and train carriages. The site has strong currents moving in different directions.

3. Blue Wall, Micronesia

The tropical island is encircled by vibrant coral reefs, thus making it the best destination in the South Pacific. Divers visit the area to explore several WWII wrecks, and the city is less costly, never crowded, and pristine.


4. Fernando De Noronha, Brazil

It's a famous dive destination due to the blue waters that allow divers to swim with dolphins, turtles, and much more. You can further explore Corvette V 17 wreck, which is ranked among the world's best wreck sites.

The island only hosts a few visitors; thus you don't have to worry about sharing your paradise with visitors.

5. The Yongala, Australia

The shipwreck of Yongala happened in 1911 as a result of the cyclone, thus killing 122 people. In 1981 it was accorded official protection and divers visit the site to explore marine life such as manta rays, tiger sharks, bull sharks, sea snakes, clouds of fish, octopuses, and spectacular coral. 

6. Hawaii, United States

The island is encircled with reefs and wildlife. It’s one the most remote archipelagos in the world ringed with mantas, seals, turtles, and humpbacks if you visit the island between December and May. This island's northern area has a large marine reserve that ensures that dives will continue to enjoy the site for years to come.

7. Easter Island, Chiles

It's a remote and untouched island with excellent visibility of up to 200 feet and has 160 species of animals such as green turtle.

8. Sipadan Island, Malaysia

You're likely to see a lot of big stuff here such as the wall of coral that is frequently visited by sharks and strong currents that occasionally blast over the underwater prairie, which is the home to turtles, white tips, jacks, grouper, barracuda and bumphead parrotfish.

9. Musandam Peninsula, Oman

A diver can dive from the northern part of the Sultanate of Oman into the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf.  You will discover a genuinely magical that is rarely disturbed.

The site has a mix of currents that influences the visibility of the area. You will also discover both macro and larger than life surprises such as eroded limestone caves and cliffs or swimming next to sharks and rays.

10. Savusavu, Fiji

Fiji’s underwater is considered as the world’s soft coral capital. You will observe nudibranch to feather stars sightings, incredible displays of soft coral, and blue starfish.

Divers can relax at John-Michel Cousteau's Resort and enjoy a boat on a dive with the legendary octogenarian.


Parting Shot

You can access scuba diving today due to Jacques Cousteau, a famous diver in the world. He is known for making the sport available to the average person.

Jean-Michel Cousteau is the son to Jacques Cousteau, and the first certified diver and the world recognized environmentalist. He is the president of the Ocean Futures Society and an influential filmmaker.

Other reknown divers are Lloyd Bridges, Zale Perry, Albert Tillman, Neal Hess, John Cronin, Ralph Erickson, and Mel Fisher. Sylvia Earle is nicknamed the queen of the deepness, for she is a female marine scientist. Eugenie Clark is the shark lady a name she obtained due to her research on poisonous fish and sharks.

Therefore, learning and becoming a certified scuba diver will help to join their league as well as other celebrity divers like Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, James Cameron, Paris Hilton, Nikki Taylor, and Kathleen Turner.

Others have taken scuba diving as a form of physical fitness, and they include Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba, Nina Dobrev, and Sandra Bullock.

Therefore, dive and enjoy the experience!!!!!


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