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Skimboarding as a Hobby


If sporting actions associated with the dangers of water are stopping you from mastering such an activity, then Skimboarding could be a perfect hobby for you. There are just a few things that you need, namely the beach and a board. With continued practice, you’ll find your rhythm and the freedom that you get each time you ride the board.


Here’s a handy guide for you to get started and gradually advance your technique.


What’s Skimboarding? 

Generally, a Skimboarder has to develop a balance similar to learning how to ride a bike. The difference is that you learn to practice how to balance when the Skimboard is in motion, without being grounded.


Being an action-packed, high on adrenaline sporting activity, like other water sports, while learning how to Skimboard too you’re naturally subjected to losing your balance and falling off quite often.

When you fall off the board, it’s not quite injuring and you’ll be able to jump right back on your board again. The fall is but a part of the sport and for beginner to try the hobby is just as normal. 

How to Skimboard: The basics 

There are few starting factors that you should know to adopt a better approach to Skimboard. Be prepared for the settings, get your right balance, increase speed and be able to recognize the suitable equipment.

Locate the best site

Ideally, the proximity of the sand and water by the beach is the most preferred settings for this sport. However, otherwise, it is possible to Skimboard in the absence of a beach too. Differences in the beach setting are best suited to various types of Skimboarding.


The flat beach is good for sand skimming. Strong shores are good for wave skimming.

Buy quality boards

Pick the type of Skimboard based on your sports settings, i.e. whether you would be doing sand skimming or wave skimming. A small flat wood design is appropriate for sand skimming. For wave skimming, you will be able to Skimboard better with a foam-based specialty shaped board.

Get fit for the sport

Even before you take up Skimboarding as a hobby, it’s good to have a nice physical fitness. Prepare yourself by practicing a good run up to maintain speed and get your leg muscles toned before starting to Skimboard. 

Practice your position

To practice the hobby as a beginner, chose a spot away from people so that you don’t hit anyone accidentally. Run in full speed and once you’re at the highest velocity drop the board in front of you and get on it.

Start to skim along

As you run, jump onto the board and land in the middle. The idea is to gradually put your weight on the board to allow smoothness in your positioning. First master the sand skim before taking it to advancing your skills with wave skimming.

Choose the best wave

Skim on the optimal wave, which is entirely based on timing. Choose a wave that’s reachable and you can easily skim on it after it breaks. Apply your weight on the side you want to take the turn.


Skimboarding for beginners can be a little frustrating as you may keep falling off the board more often. But, once you get a hang of it, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can get your balance and move on to the more advanced stages. 


Related hobbies: SnowboardingSurfing


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