Fat tire biking
Feathers collecting
Fellrunning and fell-walking
Fellrunning is a type of racing sport in which the athlete runs on those roads, which gradually climb upward. Usually, upland areas are used for fellrunning. You should try fell running because it is very healthy for your leg's joints and muscles. You can create a slope for your garden area if the fellrunning ground is not available on your premises. You can arrange a fellrunning racing competition with your buddies in this regard.
Felt is a textile material or a fabric that is produced by combining and condensing many layers of soft fabric, such as wool felt. The process of making felt is known as felting. Felt is a costly fabric material, but you can make it in your home if you have some free time. You need simply some sheets of soft fabric, and you can produce a perfect felt from it.
Feng shui decorating
Feng Shui is an ancient chinese decoration style of a house interior. Feng Shui is very popular nowadays because, in this decorating style, harmony is found between the element of decorations. You can read the Feng Shui guide online and can decorate your home according to it.
Ferret legging sport
Ferret is a weasel-like animal, and ferret legging is a sport, or you can say that it is an endurance test. In ferret, legging is competition among different participants in which ferret is trapped in the trousers of each participant, and the participant has to endure it as long as possible. Well, it seems a hilarious game which you can play with your friends in your free time.
Ferret pet
Ferrets are domestic pet form of the European polecat. Ferrets have the same genus of Weasel and Mustela. Ferrets are beautiful pets, and you can keep them in your house. You can buy them from mammal's markets and keep them even in your apartment also.
Fiber art
Fidget spinning
Field hockey
Field hockey is an international and Olympic level game which is played by two teams of 11 players each. If you have a hockey team at your college and university, you should join this game because it is a very healthy running game. You can make your team of hockey by including your friends also.
Fierljeppen is a traditional sport of Dutch peoples, and it is prevalent particularly in the province of Friesland, Netherlands. The gameplay of Fierljeppen is based on the crossing a water body such as a river by using a long pole of approximately 13 meters without sinking into the river. If you have a river or any other water body in your premises, you can try it in your free time.